PKUnzip requires that floppy disks that contain multi-segment archives have a particular name. If you set this option, ZipIt will rename your disks for compatibility with PKUnzip. If you add a folder that contains aliases, and this option is selected, then ZipIt will add the original item, not the alias. Tells ZipIt whether or not to internally convert filenames to PC-compatible format. Turn this option off only if your zip files are destined for non-IBM systems. Tells ZipIt whether or not to zoom in and out when you enter and leave folders. Tells ZipIt whether or not to internally convert filenames to PC-compatible format. If there is any chance your archives may be used on an IBM, turn this option on. Tells ZipIt whether or not it should allow you to add two files with the same name to the archive. Useful when you have files with names that are not unique to 8 characters Tells ZipIt to create archive with a file type of 'TEXT'. This is not recommended unless you are having problems transferring ZipIt archives via modem. Tells ZipIt to create archives with a file type of 'ZIP '. This is the recommended setting, and should only be changed if you have trouble transferring ZipIt archives via modem. Tells ZipIt to default to implosion. This is not as efficient as deflation, but the resulting archives will be compatible with all versions of other unzipping programs. Tells ZipIt to default to deflation. This is the best type of compression, but the resulting archives may not be compatible with older versions of other unzipping programs. Tells ZipIt when to use the MacBinary format to save zip files. MacBinary format enables ZipIt to zip and unzip Macintosh files without losing information while still remaining compatible with other unzipping programs. Tells ZipIt whether or not to look inside files when displaying the directory dialog box. This will slow down the dialog box, but will only show you actual zip files. Checked, so this option is on. Tells ZipIt whether or not to look inside files when displaying the directory dialog box. This will slow down the dialog box, but will only show you actual zip files. Click here to turn this option on. Determines whether or not to ask you before replacing files during unzipping. Checked, so ZipIt will not ask you before replacing a file. Determines whether or not to ask you before replacing files during unzipping. Click here to make ZipIt always replace existing files without asking you. Type the file creator to use for unzipped text files here. Type the file creator to use for unzipped binary files here. Type the file type to use for unzipped binary files here. Determines whether or not to strip linefeeds from text files by default.Click here to turn this option off. You can override this option by checking or unchecking “Strip Linefeeds” in the Zip menu. Determines whether or not to strip linefeeds from text files by default.Click here to turn this option on. You can override this option by checking or unchecking “Strip Linefeeds” in the Zip menu. Tells ZipIt whether or not to open an untitled window whenever it starts up. Checked, so ZipIt will open an untitled window when it starts up. Tells ZipIt whether or not to open an untitled window whenever it starts up. Click here to have ZipIt open an empty window when it is launched. Tells ZipIt whether or not to put up dialog boxes when it is in the background. Checked, so ZipIt will never put up a dialog box in the background. Tells ZipIt whether or not to put up dialog boxes when it is in the background. Click here if you do not want dialog boxes while ZipIt is in the background. Click here to cancel any changes you made in this dialog box. Click here to have your changes go into effect immediately.